Saturday, August 22, 2015

What have I been reading this week? (20150822)


- The network is hostile
- Deep learning for assisting the process of music composition part 1
- In Realtime: Prepping for the Transfer of 25 000 Manuals
- POMDPs for Dummies: Page 1
- DEFCON 23 Badge Challenge
- The TTY demystified


- Automation angst


- Build a Virtual SuperComputer with Process Virtualization
- Bitcoin Fork Divides Community - Slashdot


- The Changing Face of Shenzhen the World's Gadget Factory
- Basic CPU
- Work Hard Live Well
- Ashley Madison leaked data is now searchable but don't
- Raises $3M For Its Siri-Like Conversational UI Makes Developer Usage Free
- The Strange Appeal of Watching Coders Code Backchannel
- Stop calling it the Sharing Economy. That isn t what it is.
- Open-source distributed deep learning for the JVM
- Introducing the Technical Preview of Docker Engine for Windows Server 2016
- Cryptography And Quicksand


- How Autistic People Helped Shape the Modern World


- Cybersecurity s Human Factor: Lessons from the Pentagon
- Data Wrangling: Making data useful again
- When the U.S. Almost Nuked the Moon

Above was generated by a homegrown bolt-on script for Wallabag, which is a free utility for capturing web content so that it can be read later.

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