Attended the Tidewater Unix User Group's annual Saturday meeting (they normally are the 2nd Thursday of the month). Got rid of two of my books, picked up a new one as a door prize.
The talks were interesting, though turn-out was a bit thin (mostly the long-time members). I wasn't planning on attending as I had intended to show up at either the North side or South side Makerspace Open Houses (the South side ended up with 60+ visitor). A last minute call from a friend changed my plans.
There were three talks, in addition to the usual before-it-gets-underway discussion. The talks were on podcasting, fldigi (amateur radio) (thanks Tracy), and eBooks (thanks Matthew).
Caught up with Dave S. on a few things that we've been planning. Now that I have most of the RPi/Z-Wave project out of the way, I can refocus on the digital signage projects. Finally had the chance to ask Mark D. what he was using for his sign. He indicated that the back end is just a bash script and indicated that someone was rewriting it in Python. Have been thinking what his statement implies and need to catch up with Dave S. again.
In any case, I need to get the backdrop in the office cleaned up again and get the podcasting rig dusted off. We may have some work to do in the near future.