Sunday, February 24, 2008

MPD on the NSLU2

I can't vouch for it operating properly as I have no idea how to configure it to stream to Icecast but MPD did compile on the NSLU2. Notes here. Anyone have a working mpd.conf which allows streaming to Icecast without an audio interface?

Update: Running Icecast and MPD on the same NSLU2 may not be the best idea, at least if you're going to use the stock config files. I'm seeing almost 100% load on the box and the output to another system is quite bursty (about 3 seconds of silence for every 3 seconds of music). It's probably a good idea to put the utils on different systems (2 NSLU2s or a NSLU2 and a full-size computer?)(works nicely if I use my Asterisk service as a source). As I've built this for someone else, I don't have the resources (okay, or motivation) to tweak these.

For anyone that cares to, I will offer an account on the wiki if you'll post your tweaks.

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